Ajmal One

About Ajmal One

The Ajmal One loyalty program enables you to obtain points, which can be exchanged for Ajmal products later on, after you collect enough points.

You will be eligible to register for Ajmal One Loyalty Program, when you make a 50 SAR purchase or more (in retail price) in any of Ajmal stores. You can registrar by providing the sales employee with your name and mobile number.

AJMAL ONE - International Program

Ajmal One customers can collect and redeem points in any of the following GCC country:


Saudi Arabia


United Arab Emirates







Program Tires

* If you don't maintain the required spend amount for the tire you are in, your tire will be downgraded.
* Points will not be obtained for promotional price, discount price and wholesale price.
* Points will be expired within 1 year from date of collection.

Minimum & Maximum Points for Redemptions

Points Redamation Terms & Conditions

• Points redeem cannot be used on discounted products, offers or wholesale products.
• You can use the point redeem to obtain full discount on bill price or partial discount.
• Points redemption will be on retail price, VAT not included. You have to pay full VAT price.
• Ajmal One Loyalty Program points cannot be exchanged for cash.

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